Semaine de Jeun et de prière EducationPlayground construction funds for poor childrenBy AdminCielOuvert$24.000,00 Collected24%CharityThe Tsunami Victims Fund in the PhilippinesBy AdminCielOuvert$75.000,00 Collected1%EducationScholarship fund studious poor childrenBy AdminCielOuvert$32.000,00 Collected21%CharityWhat’s the food for today?By AdminCielOuvert$1.500,00 Collected30%UncategoryFaire un donBy AdminCielOuvert$0 Collected100%CharityVolunteers serving foodBy AdminCielOuvert$1.000,00 Collected36% Causes Grid Layout 5.860,00€ of 24.000,00€ raisedPlayground construction funds for poor children695,00€ of 75.000,00€ raisedThe Tsunami Victims Fund in the Philippines6.775,00€ of 32.000,00€ raisedScholarship fund studious poor children455,00€ of 1.500,00€ raisedWhat’s the food for today?439,00€ of 0€ raisedFaire un don356,00€ of 1.000,00€ raisedVolunteers serving food